Mental health services in Newcastle Gateshead

Togetherall is a free, safe and anonymous online mental health service - a place where you can safely voice your feelings and connect with others for your wellbeing. Available 24/7, moderated by mental health professionals and led by an on-duty clinical team to ensure users are safe and supported. The service is available free to anyone in Newcastle or Gateshead aged 16+, at You can also find out more about how it works on the ICB's local website.

Qwell (aged 18+) and Kooth (11-18) offer free online support and counselling for patients in Newcastle and Gateshead, at and

Tyneside and Northumberland Mind is commissioned to provide a mental health support line for people aged 16+ in Newcastle and Gateshead. A listening ear and emotional support from 8am to 10pm, seven days a week, on 0330 174 3174 (charged at local rate).

Of course these are part of a wider range of mental health services, many of which can be accessed without referral. Below is some suggested content for your website which may be helpful for your patients.